FAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging acquires 100% of IDEAGRAFICA
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINIFAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging acquired 100% of IDEAGRAFICA from Pettinari‘s family.
The two companies – leader in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical packaging industry – merged together, creating a group with a 25M € turnover, three plants (one of these completely dedicated to package leaflets) and about 150 employees.
New EyeC Proofiler inspection system improves our quality checks
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINILast January FAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging implemented an EyeC Proofiler inspection system that – combined with the Inspection Control on printing lines – improves the quality control standards on printed packagings.
The new flooring and the production streamlining are completed
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINIDuring the Summer months and the short break, important works on production site were done. A new flooring has been installed with management’s great satisfaction: this was the last renovation works for the buildings…
RicicloAperto 2019: FAVILLINI receives the students in its company
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINILIVORNO – On March 28th, FAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging received a group of two student classes together with their teachers, from the A.Vespucci School in Livorno. In this occasion, the company made a contribution to RicicloAperto by promoting the recycling practice for paper and paperboard…
Print Awards 2018
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINIMilan, November the 30th, 2018 – FAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging is pleased to share with you the success reached during the Print Award ’18 in the category “Best Packaging Industry”
During the ceremony of the 27th Edition that was held in the Polene’s room of the Science and Technology Museum in Milan, there were assigned ten awards.
The Print Award was created in 1987 to celebrate the best Italian Print Companies and to give an award to the Printing and Packaging companies for standing out in a particular field.
FAVILLINI won the category “Best Packaging Industry” that was sponsored by Koenig & Bauer (the Italian branch of the company is KBA Italy). Koenig & Bauer’s core competence is the development and manufacture of technologically innovative printing systems and peripherals.
FAVILLINI Pharmaceutical Packaging thanks Stratego Group, Assografici and all the other partners and sponsors for the important award and looks forward to 2019 with huge enthusiasm.
Colorgraf at our headquarters for two important workshops about legislation and colorimetry
/0 Comments/in News, News /by FAVILLINI

P.IVA/VAT no.: 01062730492
57121 Livorno (LI)
Via G.March 2 - ITALY
Tel: +39 0586 448811
Fax: +39 0586 1946571
DPO: Ing. Ivan Martina E-Mail: DPO@grafichefavillini.it